Главная » 2009 » Апрель » 22 » Градиент Background (Скрипты для ucoz)
22.04.2009, 13:36

Градиент Background

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// Gradient Background Fader, Multicolor
// By Peter Gehrig
// Copyright © 2003 Peter Gehrig. All rights reserved.
// Permission given to use the script provided that this notice remains as is.
// Additional scripts can be found at http://www.24fun.com
// info@24fun.com
// 11/27/2003

// If you add this script to a script-library or script-archive
// you have to add a highly visible link to
// http://www.24fun.com on the webpage
// where this script will be featured


// Select the colors (hexadecimal triplet value required)
// Please note that at least 3 colors are required!
var colors=new Array("#FFFF00","#00FFFF","#5fc700","#854b00","#76e07c","#FFAC00","#FFFF66","#ff0000","#FFFFFF","#850044","#B56AFF","#56B1FF")

// Set pause between colors (seconds)
var pausebetweencolors=2

// What type of gradient should be applied Internet Explorer 5x or higher?
// Set "none" or "horizontal" or "vertical"
var gradient_effect="horizontal"

// Set speed (higher=slower)
var speed=20

// How many times shall the effect be repeated?
// Add a value between 1 and 9999999
var i_loopmax=1000


// do not edit code below this line
var pausesteps=40
var hexc = new Array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F')
var redcol_1
var redcol_2  
var redcol_1_b
var redcol_2_b  
var greencol_1  
var greencol_2  
var greencol_1_b  
var greencol_2_b
var bluecol_1  
var bluecol_2  
var bluecol_1_b  
var bluecol_2_b
var rgbredfrom
var rgbgreenfrom
var rgbbluefrom
var rgbredto
var rgbgreento
var rgbblueto
var rgbrednow
var rgbgreennow
var rgbbluenow

var rgbredfrom_b
var rgbgreenfrom_b
var rgbbluefrom_b
var rgbredto_b
var rgbgreento_b
var rgbblueto_b
var rgbrednow_b
var rgbgreennow_b
var rgbbluenow_b

var colorhexafrom
var colorhexato

var i_step=1
var i_loop=0
var i_colorsA=0
var i_colorsB=1
var i_colorsC=1
var i_colorsD=2


var browserinfos=navigator.userAgent  
var ie4=document.all&&!document.getElementById
var ie5=document.all&&document.getElementById&&!browserinfos.match(/Opera/)
var ns4=document.layers
var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all
var opera=browserinfos.match(/Opera/)  
var browserok=ie4||ie5||ns4||ns6||opera

function translateintorgb() {

  var hexa=colors[i_colorsA]
  var hexared=hexa.substring(1,3)
  var hexagreen=hexa.substring(3,5)
  var hexablue=hexa.substring(5,7)
  var hexa=colors[i_colorsB]
  var hexared=hexa.substring(1,3)
  var hexagreen=hexa.substring(3,5)
  var hexablue=hexa.substring(5,7)
  var hexa=colors[i_colorsC]
  var hexared=hexa.substring(1,3)
  var hexagreen=hexa.substring(3,5)
  var hexablue=hexa.substring(5,7)
  var hexa=colors[i_colorsD]
  var hexared=hexa.substring(1,3)
  var hexagreen=hexa.substring(3,5)
  var hexablue=hexa.substring(5,7)
  if (i_colorsA>=colors.length) {i_colorsA=0}
  if (i_colorsB>=colors.length) {i_colorsB=0}
  if (i_colorsC>=colors.length) {i_colorsC=0}
  if (i_colorsD>=colors.length) {i_colorsD=0}

function changefromto() {
  if (rgbrednow>255) {rgbrednow=255}
  if (rgbrednow<0) {rgbrednow=0}
  if (rgbgreennow>255) {rgbgreennow=255}
  if (rgbgreennow<0) {rgbgreennow=0}
  if (rgbbluenow>255) {rgbbluenow=255}
  if (rgbbluenow<0) {rgbbluenow=0}
  if (rgbrednow_b>255) {rgbrednow_b=255}
  if (rgbrednow_b<0) {rgbrednow_b=0}
  if (rgbgreennow_b>255) {rgbgreennow_b=255}
  if (rgbgreennow_b<0) {rgbgreennow_b=0}
  if (rgbbluenow_b>255) {rgbbluenow_b=255}
  if (rgbbluenow_b<0) {rgbbluenow_b=0}
  if (i_step<=speed) {
  redcol_1 = hexc[Math.floor(rgbrednow/16)];
  redcol_2 = hexc[Math.floor(rgbrednow)%16];
  greencol_1 = hexc[Math.floor(rgbgreennow/16)];
  greencol_2 = hexc[Math.floor(rgbgreennow)%16];
  bluecol_1 = hexc[Math.floor(rgbbluenow/16)];
  bluecol_2 = hexc[Math.floor(rgbbluenow)%16];
  redcol_1_b = hexc[Math.floor(rgbrednow_b/16)];
  redcol_2_b = hexc[Math.floor(rgbrednow_b)%16];
  greencol_1_b = hexc[Math.floor(rgbgreennow_b/16)];
  greencol_2_b = hexc[Math.floor(rgbgreennow_b)%16];
  bluecol_1_b = hexc[Math.floor(rgbbluenow_b/16)];
  bluecol_2_b = hexc[Math.floor(rgbbluenow_b)%16];
  var backcolor="#"+redcol_1+redcol_2+greencol_1+greencol_2+bluecol_1+bluecol_2
  var backcolor_b="#"+redcol_1_b+redcol_2_b+greencol_1_b+greencol_2_b+bluecol_1_b+bluecol_2_b
  if (ie5 && gradient_effect!="none") {
  if (gradient_effect=="horizontal") {var gr_effect=1}
  if (gradient_effect=="vertical") {var gr_effect=0}
"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(startColorstr="+backcolor+", endColorstr="+backcolor_b+", GradientType="+gr_effect+")"
  else {

  var timer=setTimeout("changefromto()",pausesteps);
  else {
  if (i_loop<i_loopmax) {var timer=setTimeout("translateintorgb()",pausebetweencolors);}

if (browserok) {
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Источник/Автор: Неизвестен
Категория: Скрипты uCoz | Просмотров: 2860 | Добавил: antisept | Рейтинг: 2.5/2 |
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