Главная » 2009 » Июнь » 8 » cFosSpeed v4.50 Build 1457 x32 & x64 bit (Полезное)
08.06.2009, 12:11

cFosSpeed v4.50 Build 1457 x32 & x64 bit

cFosSpeed - это быстрейший на сегодняшний день немецкий сетевой драйвер для разгона широкополосного Интернета посредством технологии Traffic Shaping. Оптимизирует DSL, кабельные и модемные линии, ISDN, мобильные и пиринговые (P2P) сети, работу онлайн-игр, VoIP и потоковое медиа. Работает практически с любым оборудованием и почти по всему миру. cFosSpeed позволит вам иметь сверхбыстрый интернет-серфинг и уменьшить время закачки и отклика.

По сравнению с предыдущей версией программа очень изменилась в лучшую сторону.Как в плане функциональности,так и в плане наглядности интерфейса.Появилось прозрачное окошко в трее с нагляндым графиком исходящего и входящего траффика,оптимизированны настройки программы и многое другое.
Плюсом также является и то что теперь она полностью переведена на русский язык который автоматом устанавливается в вашей системе(при условии что она конечно русскоязычна)
cFos Traffic Shaping reduces delays during data transfer and allows you to surf the Internet up to three times faster. Finally, you can use the full bandwidth of your DSL connection!

Traffic Shaping best for
* Broadband: DSL, Cable
* Narrow band: modem, ISDN
* Mobile
* Filesharing (P2P)
* Games
* Streaming Media, VoIP

* Low Ping
* Prioritising programs
* Prioritising protocols
* Online Budgets
* Firewall

* Broadband: Cabel and DSL
* Narrow band: Modem and ISDN
* Mobile
* Media:
o DSL, PPPoA (VCmux and LLC)
o Cable
o IP over AAL
o RFC1483/2684 bridged

* Router and dial-up connections
* LAN and WLAN
* Router and Bridge-Mode
* Multiple connections simultaneously
* Adjustable routes
* Several IP adresses per adapter

Traffic Shaping:
* Multi-User version
* TX and RX-Shaping
* L7 Protocol Analysis
* Prioritization of Programs
* RTP/VoIP Detection
* 5 priority queues
* Individual rules with filter language

* Low-Latency Mode
* Auto-MTU optimization

* Time and volumen budgets
* Usage Graph
* Overview of connections
* Skin-Windows
* Firewall
* Data and packet logging
* 32-Bit and 64-Bit version
* 12+ languages

What's new?

cFosSpeed 4.50 build 1456 -- 10-Feb-2009

+ Added new skin: "LC History"; it's like our well-known Liquid Crystal skin,
but with a history that scrolls to the left.

+ Added Layer-7 detection for large HTTP downloads (client & server).
HTTP transfers which take more than 1 sec. at full speed are now
classified as HTTP_C_BULK / HTTP_S_BULK and have low priority as
default. You can change the priority in the Layer-7 Protocol prioritization
dialog. Warning: This will only work, if the current HTTP connection
is not reused by the browser. Otherwise the first classification
will be used. The next version will remove this limitation.

+ Speeded memory allocation.
+ Improved detection of packets that NDIS sends erroneously to cFosSpeed.
x Added better handling of multiple but different SYN segments and improved
recovery after ACK for unsent data. Thanks to khashayar zayyani for help.
x Fixed a crash with Cisco Systems VPN Client. Thanks to Hardi Trenkel for
crash dump file.
x Adapters were sometimes unbound too fast, which caused Windows problems.

x It seems some networks trash the Ping IP packet when they return it to the
sender and cFosSpeed couln't find the replies in its lists. Thus, we
relaxed the check a bit. Thanks to Deepak for bug report.
x Tried to fix problem with socket error sending pings that caused ping
balloons. Thanks to yen linh for report.
x Fixed a bug where cFosSpeed would not properly reset the 'bridged'
setting when the router resets while cFosSpeed is running. Thanks to 4wd
for bug report and testing.
x Sometimes HTTP, SSL and SSH non-BULK l7-protocols would stay on default
priority even if the l7-protocol priority was set to high. Fixed. Thanks
to mumia for bug report.
x Fixed a crash under Vista that would close spd.exe. Thanks to SyntaX.
x Fixed x64 installer: now it pops up UAC dialog under Vista to make you full
Admin. This bug was introduced in build 1433.
x Fixed some Windows object security problems.
x L7 protocols SSL_C, SSL_S and SSH sometimes switched between _BULK and
regular versions periodically. This has been amended.
- Removed obsolete NDIS handler.
- Removed speed.gadget from distribution. It can now be downloaded from
our website.
Интерфейс: Русский есть
Размер: 5.21 мб
Лекарство: не требуется

Скачать cFosSpeed v4.50 Build 1457 x32 & x64 bit

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Источник/Автор: Неизвестен
Категория: Полезное | Просмотров: 1473 | Добавил: katrik | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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