14.02.2010, 15:20 | |||||
Подзорная труба на сайтПосмотри на свой сайт через подзорную трубу. В head кидаем это:
Code <style type="text/css"> #divExCont {position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; clip:rect(0px 0px 0px 0px); layer-background-color:#ffffff; background-color:#ffffff;} #divCircle {position:absolute; z-index:500; visibility:hidden; width:170px;} body {background-color:#000000; overflow:hidden;} </style> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> /********************************************************************************** Spotlight * Copyright (C) 2001 <a href="/dhtmlcentral/thomas_brattli.asp">Thomas Brattli</a> * This script was released at DHTMLCentral.com * Visit for more great scripts! * This may be used and changed freely as long as this msg is intact! * We will also appreciate any links you could give us. * * Made by <a href="/dhtmlcentral/thomas_brattli.asp">Thomas Brattli</a> *********************************************************************************/ function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed) this.ver=navigator.appVersion this.agent=navigator.userAgent this.dom=document.getElementById?1:0 this.opera5=this.agent.indexOf("Opera 5")>-1 this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie=this.ie4||this.ie5||this.ie6 this.mac=this.agent.indexOf("Mac")>-1 this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0; this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0; this.bw=(this.ie6 || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns6 || this.opera5) return this } var bw=new lib_bwcheck() /*** Variables to set ***/ sCircleWidth = 168 //The width the script will clip to sCircleHeight = 168 //The height the script will clip to sStarty = 200 //Where do you want it to initially start sStartx = 200 //Where do you want it to initially start clipSpeed = 20 //Number of pixels for each step in the animation. /****************************************************************************** Making the clipobject part ******************************************************************************/ function makeObj(obj, nest, x, y){ nest = (!nest) ? "":'document.'+nest+'.'; this.css = bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj).style:bw.ie4?document.all[obj].style:bw.ns4?eval(nest+"document.layers." +obj):0; this.evnt = bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj):bw.ie4?document.all[obj]:bw.ns4?eval(nest+"document.layers." +obj):0; this.clip = b_clip; this.clipIt = b_clipIt; this.clipTo = b_clipTo; this.obj = obj + "Object"; eval(this.obj + "=this"); return this; } // A unit of measure that will be added when setting the position or size of a layer. var px = bw.ns4||window.opera?"":"px"; //clip part function b_clipTo(t,r,b,l){ if (bw.ns4){ this.css.clip.top=t;this.css.clip.right=r;this.css.clip.bottom=b;this.css.clip.left=l; } else { this.css.clip="rect("+t+"px "+r+"px "+b+"px "+l+"px)"; } } function b_clipIt(tstop,rstop,bstop,lstop,step,fn){ if (!fn) fn = null var clipval = new Array() if (bw.dom || bw.ie4) { clipval = this.css.clip clipval = clipval.slice(5,clipval.length-1); clipval = clipval.split(' ') for (var i=0; i<4; i++) clipval[i] = parseInt(clipval[i]) } else { clipval[0] = this.css.clip.top clipval[1] = this.css.clip.right clipval[2] = this.css.clip.bottom clipval[3] = this.css.clip.left } totantstep = Math.max(Math.max(Math.abs((tstop-clipval[0])/step),Math.abs((rstop-clipval[1])/step)), Math.max(Math.abs((bstop-clipval[2])/step),Math.abs((lstop-clipval[3])/step))) if (!this.clipactive) this.clip(clipval[0],clipval[1],clipval[2],clipval[3],(tstop-clipval[0])/totantstep, (rstop-clipval[1])/totantstep,(bstop-clipval[2])/totantstep, (lstop-clipval[3])/totantstep,totantstep,0, fn) } function b_clip(tcurr,rcurr,bcurr,lcurr,tperstep,rperstep,bperstep,lperstep,totantstep,antstep, fn){ tcurr=tcurr+tperstep; rcurr=rcurr+rperstep bcurr=bcurr+bperstep; lcurr=lcurr+lperstep this.clipTo(tcurr,rcurr,bcurr,lcurr) if(antstep<totantstep){ this.clipactive=true antstep++ setTimeout(this.obj+".clip("+tcurr+","+rcurr+","+bcurr+","+lcurr+","+tperstep+"," +rperstep+","+bperstep+","+lperstep+","+totantstep+","+antstep+",'"+fn+"')", 40) }else{ this.clipactive = false eval(fn) } } /****************************************************************************** Initiating the page and the clip objects. ******************************************************************************/ function spotInit(){ pageWidth = (bw.ns4 || bw.ns6)?innerWidth:document.body.clientWidth; pageHeight = (bw.ns4 || bw.ns6)?innerHeight:document.body.clientHeight; oExCont = new makeObj('divExCont') if (bw.dom || bw.ie4){ oExCont.css.width = pageWidth+px oExCont.css.height = pageHeight+px } oCircle = new makeObj('divCircle','divExCont') oExCont.clipTo(sStarty,sStartx+sCircleWidth,sStarty+sCircleHeight,sStartx) oCircle.css.left = sStartx+px oCircle.css.top = sStarty+px oCircle.css.visibility = "visible" if (bw.ns4)document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) document.onmousemove = moveCircle; } function moveCircle(e){ x = (bw.ns4 || bw.ns6)?e.pageX:event.x y = (bw.ns4 || bw.ns6)?e.pageY:event.y oExCont.clipTo(y-sCircleHeight/2, x+sCircleWidth/2, y+sCircleHeight/2, x-sCircleWidth/2) oCircle.css.left = x - sCircleWidth/2 + px oCircle.css.top = y - sCircleHeight/2 + px } //This is being called when someone clicks the circle. function showCont(){ document.onmousemove = null oCircle.css.visibility = "hidden" oCircle.css.left = 0+px oCircle.css.top = 0+px oExCont.clipIt(-clipSpeed, pageWidth+clipSpeed, pageHeight+clipSpeed, -clipSpeed, clipSpeed, 'oExCont.css.overflow="auto"') } if (bw.bw) onload = spotInit </script> В body это:
Quote <body marginleft="0" marginheight="0"> <div id="divExCont"> Синее- содержимое страницы.
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