17.10.2009, 17:12 | |||||
Текст вращаетсяТекст вращается по кругу и меняет цвет. На скрине этого не покажешь. В head ставим это:
Code <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> arrCos = new Array(360); /* Hold the COS lookup table for 0 to 359 deg */ arrSin = new Array(360); /* Hold the SIN lookup table for 0 to 359 deg */ for (i=0;i<360;i++) { arrSin[i] = Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 180); arrCos[i] = Math.cos(i * Math.PI / 180); } function rotate(objID, x, y, r, deg, rinc) { /* objID - the ID of the object we're gonna manipulate * x - current object x-axis * y - current object y-axis * r - current object radius * deg - current rotation around axis in degrees * rinc - by how much we'll increment the radius this time */ y = r * arrSin[deg]; x = r * arrCos[deg]; document.all[objID].style.pixelLeft = x; document.all[objID].style.pixelTop = y+r+10; if (deg % 60 == 0) r += rinc; /* Has the radius reached it's maximum/minumum? If so, change the sign of the rinc * so that instead of incrementing we decrement - and visa versa */ if (r > 60 || r < 10) { rinc *= -1; r += rinc; } deg += 5; if (deg >= 360) deg = 0; setTimeout("rotate('" + objID + "'," + x + "," + y + "," + r + "," + deg + "," + rinc + ")", 10); } function highlight(objNum, lastNum) { /* objNum - which object to highlight * lastNum - which object is currently highlighted */ document.all["obj" + objNum].style.color = "#FFFFFF"; document.all["obj" + objNum].style.fontStyle = "italic"; if (lastNum != 0) document.all["obj" + lastNum].style.color = ""; if (lastNum != 0) document.all["obj" + lastNum].style.fontStyle = ""; lastNum = objNum; if (++objNum > 3) objNum = 1; /* Have we reached the last object? */ document.all["obj" + objNum].style.color = "#AAAAAA"; setTimeout("highlight(" + objNum+ "," + lastNum + ")", 2000); } function doit() { x=0; /* initial x-axis position */ y=0; /* initial y-axis position */ r=10; /* initial radius */ deg=0; /* initial rotation around axis (in degrees) */ rinc = 1; /* radius increment */ /* Begin rotating each phrase with possible offsets to the initial values */ rotate("obj1", x, y, r+10, deg, rinc); rotate("obj2", x, y, r, deg+45, rinc); rotate("obj3", x, y, r+20, deg+90, rinc); rotate("obj4", x, y, r, deg+270, rinc); /* Begin highlighting each phase in turn */ highlight(1,0); } </SCRIPT> <STYLE>.rotateOBJ { POSITION: relative } </STYLE> В body это:
Quote <BODY bgColor=black link=red onload=doit() text=white vLink=red> <P> <CENTER><FONT color=#cccccc><B><I><FONT face="" size=5><SPAN class=rotateOBJ id=obj1>webscripts.ucoz.ru</SPAN></FONT><BR><FONT face="" size=5><SPAN class=rotateOBJ id=obj2>коллекция скриптов</SPAN></FONT><BR><FONT face="" size=5><SPAN class=rotateOBJ id=obj3>php, javascript, uCoz</SPAN></FONT><BR></I><FONT face="" size=3><SPAN class=rotateOBJ id=obj4>текст</SPAN></FONT> </CENTER></B></FONT> Красное меняем на свое. Материал взят с сайта infoscript.ru
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Категория: JavaScript's | Просмотров: 2376 | Добавил: antisept | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 | | |||||
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