23.04.2010, 12:37 | |||||
Полоса загрузки страницыПеред загрузкой страницы, появится такая полосочка, которая покажет, через какое время будет загружена данная страница.
В head ставим это:
Code <style type="text/css"> #divLoadCont {position:absolute; z-index:500; left:0px; top:0px; width:100%; height:98%; clip:rect(0px 100% 100% 0px); background-color:#ffffff; layer-background-color:#ffffff;} #divLoad1 {position:absolute; layer-background-color:silver; background-color:silver;} #divLoad2 {position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; layer-background-color:navy; background-color:navy;} #divLoadText {position:absolute; background-color:transparent; font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color:navy; font-size:14px;} </style> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed) this.ver=navigator.appVersion this.agent=navigator.userAgent this.dom=document.getElementById?1:0 this.opera5=this.agent.indexOf("Opera 5")>-1 this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie=this.ie4||this.ie5||this.ie6 this.mac=this.agent.indexOf("Mac")>-1 this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0; this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0; this.bw=(this.ie6 || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns6 || this.opera5) return this } var bw=new lib_bwcheck() /*VARIABLES TO SET START: */ numImages = 10 //How many images you have in your page loaderWidth = 300 //The width of the loadbar /* All other settings, like colors fonts and stuff like that you have to change in the STYLE section. IMPORTANT: To make this actually show the correct results you have to place THIS code in all images: onload="loadIt(1)" Which means that your image should look something like this: <img src="../whatever.gif" width="10" border="0" height="10" onload="loadIt(1)"> VARIABLES TO SET END: */ // A unit of measure that will be added when setting the position of a layer. var px = bw.ns4||window.opera?"":"px"; currentImg = 0 //Document size object ******** function lib_doc_size(){ this.x=0;this.x2=bw.ie && document.body.offsetWidth-20||innerWidth||0; this.y=0;this.y2=bw.ie && document.body.offsetHeight-5||innerHeight||0; if(!this.x2||!this.y2) return message('Document has no width or height') this.x50=this.x2/2;this.y50=this.y2/2; return this; } //Lib objects ******************** function lib_obj(obj,nest){ nest=(!nest) ? "":'document.'+nest+'.' this.evnt=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj):bw.ie4?document.all[obj]:bw.ns4?eval(nest+"document.layers." +obj):0; this.css=bw.dom||bw.ie4?this.evnt.style:this.evnt; this.ref=this.css this.w=this.evnt.offsetWidth||this.css.clip.width|| this.ref.width||this.css.pixelWidth||0; return this } //Moving object to ************** lib_obj.prototype.moveIt = function(x,y){ this.x=x; this.y=y; this.css.left=x+px; this.css.top=y+px; } //Clipping object to ****** lib_obj.prototype.clipTo = function(t,r,b,l,setwidth){ this.ct=t; this.cr=r; this.cb=b; this.cl=l if(bw.ns4){ this.css.clip.top=t;this.css.clip.right=r this.css.clip.bottom=b;this.css.clip.left=l }else{ if(t<0)t=0;if(r<0)r=0;if(b<0)b=0;if(b<0)b=0 this.css.clip="rect("+t+"px "+r+"px "+b+"px "+l+"px)"; if (setwidth){ this.css.pixelWidth = r; this.css.pixelHeight = b; this.css.width = r+px; this.css.height = b+px; } } } var oLoad2 function startLoading(){ page = new lib_doc_size() oLoadCont = new lib_obj('divLoadCont') oLoad = new lib_obj('divLoad1','divLoadCont') oLoad2 = new lib_obj('divLoad2','divLoadCont.document.divLoad1') oLoadText = new lib_obj('divLoadText','divLoadCont.document.divLoad1') oLoad.moveIt(page.x50-loaderWidth/2,page.y50-20) oLoadText.moveIt(loaderWidth/2 - oLoadText.w/2,10) oLoad.clipTo(0,loaderWidth,40,0,1) oLoad2.per = loaderWidth/numImages } function loadIt(ok){ currentImg ++ if (oLoad2) oLoad2.clipTo(0,oLoad2.per*currentImg,40,0,1) if (!ok){ oLoadCont.css.visibility = "hidden" oLoadCont = null; oLoad1 = null; oLoad2 = null; } } //DISPLAY FUNCTION - DELETE START -------- DELETE THIS ************* //LEAVE THIS FUNCTION WHILE TESTING. DELETE WHEN READY function loadIt_display(ok){ currentImg ++ if (oLoad2) oLoad2.clipTo(0,oLoad2.per*currentImg,40,0,1) if (currentImg<=numImages) setTimeout("loadIt_display(1)",200) else{ oLoadCont.css.visibility = "hidden" } } //DISPLAY FUNCTION - DELETE END ************************************* </script> В body кидаем это:
Code <!-- ALWAYS HAVE THIS RIGHT AFTER THE BODY START TAG --> <div id="divLoadCont"> <div id="divLoad1"> <div id="divLoad2"></div><br> <div id="divLoadText">Loading...</div> </div> </div> <script> startLoading() //onload=loadIt; //- LEAVE THIS LINE WHILE TESTING. UNCOMMENT WHEN READY loadIt_display(1) //LEAVE THIS LINE WHILE TESTING. DELETE WHEN READY </script> Материал взят с сайта infoscript.ru
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Категория: JavaScript's | Просмотров: 6020 | Добавил: antisept | Рейтинг: 4.5/2 | | |||||
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